Monday, June 18, 2012

Vision and synchronicity

A couple of weeks ago, I was watching a Super Soul Sunday on the Oprah Winfrey Network and there was a segment with Iyanla Vanzant. She was talking about how important it was to have a vision for your life and to let that lead you. That you have to have the vision and God will provision. You don’t have to worry about the provisioning part if you have a clear and passionate vision of what you want for your life. This stuck with me and the next day as I was driving to work I was thinking about it. Lo and behold, I look at the license plate on the care in front of me and it says VISION in all capital letters! I just love when synchronicity like that happens in my life and it feels like the Universe/God is speaking to me in such a conspicuous and obvious way that I cannot deny it. It sends a jolt of joy through me. This time, it actually made me laugh out loud too for the humor of the Universe. It reminded me that I am not alone. I am never alone. I just wish I could remember and feel that all the time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Feeling earthquakes, tremors a lot lately...but no one else feels them?

This is going to sound crazy, probably, but don’t know where else to post this. I tried searching for someone else who might be experiencing what I’ve been experiencing and this site came up as one of the top search results based on the keywords I put in.
For the past several weeks now, I have been feeling what feels like mild earthquakes or tremors. I have felt this several times while lying in bed at night or in the early morning where I literally feel the bed shaking as if a small earthquake has hit. But there has been no earthquake that anyone else has experienced! Today, I felt it again at the office. I was standing next to my desk and I could feel it slightly vibrating/shaking as if there was a mini-earthquake. No one in the neighbor cubes could feel a thing. I think they thought I was nuts. LOL.
I was thinking about this while driving home and I’m wondering if I am feeling the increase of vibrational frequencies occurring on the planet in actual material objects or if some sort of weird psychic phenomena is happening. I am really baffled but am quite sure at this point that I am not imagining this happening.
I don’t know why I am the only one who can feel it, but I know it’s real. Question is…what the heck is it??

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wake up! God is trying to talk to you.

Wake up! God is trying to talk to you. 
This may sound like lunacy to you, but it’s true. And the call is getting louder and louder to those who are willing to open their hearts and minds and LISTEN. The Universe is begging us to awaken from the nefarious slumber that we’ve been in for millenia and evolve to the next level of consciousness.

Don’t wait any longer. Wake up. Join the Shift of Consciousness that is occurring on this planet right now. It’s not too late for you, for any of us. You just have to believe in yourself. Believe that you are loved by Love, by God, by the Universe. Believe that you are a part of a larger Force. Believe that everything you Think and Feel sends a ripple through Reality and the Universe. 

I Love You. God Loves You. Love Yourself. You are perfect just the way you are. You are not intrinsically flawed in any way. You have been brainwashed. You have been lied to. This is really all an illusion. You can break free by going within and finding the divinity within the silence, within you. 
This is not about becoming more of anything. You are already all you ever need or want to be. This is about peeling off layers of illusion and lies that you have been told about yourself and you now carry within yourself as truth. But it’s not Truth. It’s deception that is keeping you from your true destiny - as an awake and aware co-Creator of the Universe.
If even one sentence of this post resonates with you, please consider the possibilities. Things are moving quickly now and I want you to be part of the Shift in Consciousness that is occurring. Come with us. We want you with us.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Take two aspirin? No, just stop watching the news!

I used to be a bit of a news junkie. For years, I had an editorial job that allowed me to work on my laptop from the comfort of my own home. Many days, I would have the television on in the background. I’d start the morning with the Today Show, move on to The View and then watch a few political shows on CNN throughout the course of the afternoon. In the evenings, I would top that all off with watching the ABC World News or NBC World News while I ate dinner. Not to mention, I supplemented that with reading political blogs and reading news all over the Web. By the end of the day, I'd be shouting at the television and outraged at the injustice, lies and violence. I would feel my blood pressure rising as the negative imagery and language would start triggering my emotions and nervous system.

Over the past five years or so, my life has gotten too busy to watch quite that much news or television at all. But I was still watching a considerable amount of it, including the local and national news each evening. What I came to observe more and more was how NEGATIVE, UNBALANCED AND SKEWED the news is these days. I have a hard time believing there aren’t any positive human interest stories that could be shared, and they do always seem to sprinkle at least one into the mix. But for the most part, the news has turned into one depressing, sad and horrifying story after another.

If I am to believe The Law of Attraction and put it into practice in my life, I no longer want to program my mind with negative video and audio by watching the mainstream news. So for the past few months, I’ve just stopped watching the news. The little television I do watch now is primarily focused on my two-year old daughter’s learning and entertainment. We watch Sesame Street and American Idol because we all love singing and music (we record it so we don’t have to watch the commercials).

There is so much violence on television these days. It pervades everything. It makes me sad for the world, for all of us. What we put our attention on gains strength and grows, right? Well if that’s the case, we need to stop putting so much of our focus on violence and upheaval! We need to program our minds with peace and love.

I still catch big items in the news via Facebook updates from friends and newsfeeds that I subscribe to on Twitter. But for the most part, I’ve taken myself out of the news loop. And I have to say that I haven’t missed it at all! I noticeably feel better WITHOUT that negative programming conditioning my mind! Watching all that news just gives me more things to fear, grieve and worry about. That’s not where I want to put my energy anymore. I want to raise my vibrational energy, not bring it down. So, my two cents, you’d be better off if you stop watching the news!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Shirley MacLaine's "Out on a Limb"

I’m reading Shirley MacLaine’s book Out on a Limb. I saw the movie miniseries a long time ago, probably 10-15 years ago and really haven’t thought of it since. I know I enjoyed the movie at the time and remember it having some pretty outrageous concepts in it. I remember Shirley MacLaine meeting an extraterrestrial, which I found hard to believe at the time. I also remember her with her arms up in the air shouting out, “I am God!” I also found that a bit odd back then, but now I’m not so sure it’s all that outlandish or crazy a concept.

I love all the quotes from the writings of other Law of Attraction thinkers throughout history that begin each chapter of the book – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Albert Einstein, Henry David Thoreau, Kant, Balzac, and so many others that I’ve never even heard of before now. I need to go back and take some notes of all the authors and writings she mentions so I can read them myself too and continue my exploration and journey of reality and consciousness.

I am only about halfway through the book, so I don’t know what the whole thing is about. I honestly can only remember snippets from the movie since it has been so long since I watched it. But right now, she is exploring channeling, reincarnation and the nature of reality. It is so fascinating and intriguing! I feel like I am only scratching the surface of All That Is, and it is already mind boggling. But it also thrilling and exciting and awesome.

A couple of weeks ago I was on my computer and a little voice in my head whispered, “Out on a Limb.” I don’t know why but I listened to it and immediately went to and ordered the book. I am so glad I did. I am resonating with it so well. I am so busy that I can only read it in short bursts here and there, but find myself taking any spare moment I can to get back to it.

Lately, I have been feeling guided toward different decisions and circumstances. It sounds almost superstitious and kooky to say it in writing here, but that’s what it feels like. Perhaps we are always guided by something greater than ourselves and I am only becoming more aware of that guidance right now. I don’t know. I just feel in my bones that I am being directed in some way, on some path. The confusing part I attracting these circumstances to myself through Law of Attraction principles? Or is there some spiritual guide in the non-physical realm guiding me? Or is it some portion of both? It is so much to try to get my head around!

Whatever is happening, it makes me feel alive and excited about what I am learning. I hope whatever is happening that I continue on what feels like an accelerating path of spiritual discovery.  

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Strangest Secret in the World by Earl Nightingale

I was watching a MindMovies video interview with Bob Proctor, a Law of Attraction proponent who appeared in the movie, The Secret. In the clip, Proctor mentions an old record he used to listen to over and over again that helped him learn and experience the Law of Attraction in his life. I found this video on YouTube that is the audio of The Strangest Secret in the World with some images that go along with it.

As an FYI, I found some search results for The Strangest Secret in the World that try to get you to pay for this audio or give your personal information to download for free. You don't need to do that. This is a free YouTube version that you can "favorite" on your YouTube account and watch as many times as you like at no cost. I'm personally going to try to start watching reaffirming/reprogramming videos like this every day to start my day to see if I can start changing the trajectory of my life via Law of Attraction principles.


Out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, extraterrestrials...oh my!

I’m reading a book right now called Cosmic Voyage by Courtney Brown. I think I found this book at a library sale for $0.25 more than 10 years ago (in my early twenties). I remember at that time trying to read it and having to put it away. I said to myself in my head when I first started reading it, “I’m not ready for this yet.” At the time, what was being presented seemed so outlandish to me that my mind was unwilling to open itself up to the book at all.

Since then, I have read the book a few times and I'm almost finished with another read-through right now. I don’t know why I have been drawn to this text on more than one occasion. The author talks about using remote viewing techniques to discover the history and presence of extraterrestrials and UFOs on Earth and Mars, and also claims to have communicated with “subspace” beings who do not live in physical form but who influence goings-on here on our planet. Even further, he claims to have communications with a Galactic Federation and even Jesus himself.

The subject matter seems so crazy and out there, but it is also absolutely fascinating and captivating at the same time. I have no idea if there is any truth or validity to what is in this book, but I find it hard to put down. Maybe the reason it is so interesting is because it is so outrageous. I don’t know if there is any truth within the pages of this book, but it is thought-provoking nonetheless. I feel like there are truths weaved throughout this book, but there are other parts that seem way too out there for me.

However, I like his recommended program for person mind expansion to potentially validate his findings for myself. I have always wanted to take a Transcendental Meditation course and visit The Monroe Institute and participate in the Gateway Voyage program. I’ve even seen Remote Viewing courses offered at the Omega Institute that pique my interest. I have read Robert Monroe’s books myself and there is a lot of fascinating information there that I think deserves a further look. I haven’t had the opportunity as of yet to explore any of those classes, but they remain on my wish list of to-do’s.

I personally had an out-of-body experience when I was seven years old after being hit by a car. I didn't realize at the time that I had an OOB experience, because I wasn't aware of that being a potentially strange thing. But I remember watching my body being put in the ambulance on a stretcher and seeing all the people lined up on the side of the street watching what was happening. I later woke up in my body at the hospital. But I am convinced because of that experience that we are not our physical bodies and that the spirit lives on after our physical form expires.

Since that experience, I have read many books on the afterlife, out-of-body experiences, reincarnation, and other unconventional topics. I have also had communications through psychic mediums with relatives who have died. I know there is a lot of skepticism about this topic, but I am wholly confident in the integrity of the readings I received. Even my grandfather, who is a very skeptical and cynical person, said he was floating above his body after having heart surgery.

There's so much to learn and explore and I feel like I'm just scratching the surface of Knowing. I’ve actually talked to my husband about Transcendental Meditation. When our daughter is a little bit older, I would love for all of us to learn how to practice TM together and make it a part of our daily family life. I think it would just be wonderful and so exciting to explore the nature of reality together.