I used to be a bit of a news junkie. For years, I had an editorial job that allowed me to work on my laptop from the comfort of my own home. Many days, I would have the television on in the background. I’d start the morning with the Today Show, move on to The View and then watch a few political shows on CNN throughout the course of the afternoon. In the evenings, I would top that all off with watching the ABC World News or NBC World News while I ate dinner. Not to mention, I supplemented that with reading political blogs and reading news all over the Web. By the end of the day, I'd be shouting at the television and outraged at the injustice, lies and violence. I would feel my blood pressure rising as the negative imagery and language would start triggering my emotions and nervous system.
Over the past five years or so, my life has gotten too busy to watch quite that much news or television at all. But I was still watching a considerable amount of it, including the local and national news each evening. What I came to observe more and more was how NEGATIVE, UNBALANCED AND SKEWED the news is these days. I have a hard time believing there aren’t any positive human interest stories that could be shared, and they do always seem to sprinkle at least one into the mix. But for the most part, the news has turned into one depressing, sad and horrifying story after another.
If I am to believe The Law of Attraction and put it into practice in my life, I no longer want to program my mind with negative video and audio by watching the mainstream news. So for the past few months, I’ve just stopped watching the news. The little television I do watch now is primarily focused on my two-year old daughter’s learning and entertainment. We watch Sesame Street and American Idol because we all love singing and music (we record it so we don’t have to watch the commercials).
There is so much violence on television these days. It pervades everything. It makes me sad for the world, for all of us. What we put our attention on gains strength and grows, right? Well if that’s the case, we need to stop putting so much of our focus on violence and upheaval! We need to program our minds with peace and love.
I still catch big items in the news via Facebook updates from friends and newsfeeds that I subscribe to on Twitter. But for the most part, I’ve taken myself out of the news loop. And I have to say that I haven’t missed it at all! I noticeably feel better WITHOUT that negative programming conditioning my mind! Watching all that news just gives me more things to fear, grieve and worry about. That’s not where I want to put my energy anymore. I want to raise my vibrational energy, not bring it down. So, my two cents, you’d be better off if you stop watching the news!